These files contain the Ama region mask used in (Madsen and Long, 2016; Madsen, 205, and Minor, 2016) for cross-calibrating scatterometers using the Amazon Rainforest. The mask is based on the Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder (SCP) standard Ama region. Several files are available: MinorsAmaMask.mat Matlab .mat file containg an image of 1's and 0's of pixels inside of or outside the mask area. The .mat file contains arrays with the lat/lon for each pixel que-AmaMask.sir.mask.gz a BYU .sir-formatted file containing a pixel image of the mask. The projection information is contained in the file header, see documentation for BYU .sir file format at que-AmaMask.sir.mask.gif a .gif browse image of the previos file.\ The mask image is based on a simple lat/lon projection: Rectangular Lat/Long projection: Size (deg): 47.000000 , 31.000000 Lon, Lat scale: 24.000000 , 24.000000 (pix/deg) Offsets: -80.000000 , -24.000000 Note that the image origin is at the lower-left corner of the area (which is upside down compared to matlab's standard image scheme). The mask is derived from 10 years of QuikSCAT data from 1999-2009. Note: it is likely that deforestation is changing the mean value of the Ku-band backscatter on some areas. So, the mask should not be viewed as purely static. Future comparisons should review if/when individual pixels should be excluded due temporal changes. Note that in developing the mask some isolated pixels that normally would have been not been included in the mask due to mean value or variance but were otherwise in a spatially homogenous vegetation area, were included in the mask so that the region selection was "smooth and robust". References: N.M. Madsen and D.G. Long, Calibration and Validation of the RapidScat Scatterometer Using Tropical Rainforests, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 2846-2854, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2015.2506463, 2016. F. Dayton Minor, Calibration of RapidScat Instrument Drift, Master's Thesis, Brigham Young University, Utah, 2016. Nathan M. Madsen, Calibration and Validation of the RapidScat Scatterometer Using Natural Land Targets, Master's Thesis, Brigham Young University, Utah, 2015.