Fortran 77 routines for the BYU-MERS "SIR" image format The BYU-MERS "sir" image format was developed by the Brigham Young University (BYU) Microwave Earth Remote Sensing (MERS) research group to store images of the earth along with the information required to earth-locate the image pixels. Note that these routines use the SIR-standard pixel address from 1 to N. (1,1) is in the lower left of the image of a SIR File. For an input location of pixel (1,1) the Lat,Lon values returned by pixtolatlon correspond to the location of the lower-left corner of the (1,1)th pixel. This directory contains several programs which illustrate reading and writing BYU SIR files. The programs include utilities to convert the SIR files into other file formats and to compute SIR "images" of the lat/lon of each pixel in an other SIR image. The program sir_extractregion creates SIR files consisting of subregions of another SIR file. The program fsir_dump converts a SIR file to an ASCII file with pixel values and locations listed. Given a SIR file, the program fsir_locmap creates two SIR files which contain pixel values which are the latitude and longitudes of the pixels. Library routines are in lib/ and include a platform-dependent file which should be edited according to platform-specific byte order and file reading. As supplied, the sir_extractregion program uses command line arguments via iargc and getarg. Not all compilers and operating systems support these routines. These calls can be commented out if desired. The SIREZ.f/ files contain interface routines which use the fortran77 extension 'record' and 'structure' to provide a simple interface to the other routines. This code is strictly optional. Fortran files with _EZ in their name use this code. Some compilers do not accept the fortran extensions used in this code. Illustrations of how to call the various routines are in this directory and use the library routines. Generally, it is recommended that header info be initialized from a previously read in sir file and modified as necessary. If you have any questions, please contact me. ======================================================================== Dr. David G. Long Director, BYU Center for Remote Sensing Professor, Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept. Brigham Young University 459 Clyde Building voice: 801-422-4383 Provo, Utah 84602 fax: 801-422-0201 Microwave Earth Remote Sensing (MERS) Lab: Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder: ======================================================================== Code is SIR header version 3.0 compliant. Last revised: 13 Feb 2002 DGL (c) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 BYU MERS